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Human Design Bodygraph Chart

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What is Human Design?

Imagine if astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and quantum physics decided to throw the most magnificent tea party ever – and out of that delightful collaboration emerged Human Design! Channeled by the mysterious Ra Uru Hu in the late 1980s, this amazing system swiftly captivated hearts and minds across the globe.

Each person has their very own unique Human Design"blueprint," crafted from the cosmic soup of their birth details – the date, the time, and even the place! This magical yet down-to-earth system unravels the mysteries of energetic signatures and design quirks unique to every soul.

But Human Design isn't just a simple map; it's a veritable treasure trove bursting with personality types, energy flows, and life strategies. It's akin to having your very own fairy godmother guiding you through the whimsical forest of life! With its gentle wisdom, Human Design can help you gain deeper insights into yourself, uncover your hidden strengths, and make choices that shimmer with authenticity.

Who doesn’t want that, right?

How can Human Design give me clarity about my path?

Your Human Design chart is like a treasure map, revealing endless possibilities for your life and soul's adventure. A reading is your secret guide to navigating your energy like a pro and making decisions that align perfectly with your cosmic vibe.

Suddenly, you find yourself seeing your true essence in vivid detail, embracing your innate gifts and talents like never before. Human Design provides reassuring validation for what we intuitively know about ourselves but may doubt at times.

For perhaps the first time, you experience profound clarity, understanding how to fully embrace your unique path and live in alignment with your soul's purpose. Gain deeper insights into how to embody the essence of what you desire and manifest it into reality.

You are an extraordinary, irreplaceable spark in the tapestry of human evolution How amazing is that? I would be honored to accompany you on this journey of self-discovery, guiding you to the clarity and knowledge needed to live a life that truly lights you up!

Human Design

Path and Purpose Readings

  • Personalized Human Design Guide

    Coming soon!

  • Human Design Reading

    Getting a Human Design reading is like having your very own treasure map for life's adventure. Come explore the deepest truth of who you are and how to live the best life ever!

    90 minute reading


  • Life Path and Purpose

    You matter! Get clarity about your path and purpose so you can celebrate and honor what make you uniquely you!

    75 minute reading


What Others Say…

"I can't say enough about how meaningful our time together was. I had been feeling a lot of shame and a bit defeated about certain areas of my life at the beginning of last week (which really isn't typical for me). Your interpretation of my chart to illuminate and inform about how I was designed was really a healing salve. Thank you! "

Melissa G.

My experience with Shannon was so wonderful, revelational and liberating.  Her energy was soothing and her presence was authentic, which made me very calm and comfortable.  Shannon's reading of my human design chart provided me with a wealth of information and confirmation, as well as advice on how to utilize my natural talents and a way to deal with doubt and fear. Also, I was reminded that it is completely permissible to be ME ! :) Just… ME…  I would recommend Shannon’s services to anyone who is interested.

Velta M.

"Having this reading has lifted the veil from what is unfolding in my life and validated many of my beliefs and the way I am in this world. Thank you, Shannon, for this beautiful session. It has given me a bird’s eye view of the way I hold energy,  The reading helped me identify real challenges I could never quite put my finger on and practical ways of being with them so that I can truly step into my life’s purpose."

Jennifer C.